The Scared Rabbit, Kids Cool Short Story

The Scared Rabbit, Kids Cool Short Story - Hello friend Free Coloring Pages Printable Animals, In the article you reading this time with the title The Scared Rabbit, Kids Cool Short Story, we have prepared this article well for you to read and retrieve information. Hopefully the contents of the post Artikel kids cool stories, which we write you can understand. Well, good to read.

Title : The Scared Rabbit, Kids Cool Short Story
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The Scared Rabbit, Kids Cool Short Story

How a Hunter Catch the Scared Rabbit in Cool Kids Short Stories.


One day, when a rabbit was grazing in a jungle, some hunters arrived there and shot an arrow at him. The poor animal got scared and hid behind a bush.

The hunters started searching for him. The rabbit couldn't control his patience and started nibbling the leaves of the bushes. The hunters heard the rustling sound of the leaves.

One of them saw the rabbit behind the tree and shot an arrow at him and the rabbit fell down dead.

So, it's always said that at the time of danger, one should keep patience and behave intelligently.

The End !!! 

So the article The Scared Rabbit, Kids Cool Short Story

That's an article The Scared Rabbit, Kids Cool Short Story, Hope this article can benefit for you all. Okey, see you in other article.

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